Some photography from South West England
By people whose work I enjoy. Maybe you will too! Let me know who else I should be checking out. I'm currently housebound in Bristol, living vicariously.
In alphabetical order. Apologies if I’ve accidentally misdescribed or misgendered someone here - if so just let me know and I’ll amend.
Apologies for the lack of images in this post; I don’t have energy to request images from each person but will gladly add them in if they happen to see this and would like to volunteer the files for this post!
Also! I’ve not written about photography much, so please forgive my under educated take on their excellent work!
Image: Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash.
Jesse Alexander
Based in Somerset, Jesse takes an art documentary approach to the visual icons associated with SW England, along with its landscapes and human-influenced places of work, production, life and residence. I find it true to life and quiet, yet with an intriguing sense of the narrative implied.
My favourites so far:
His project Avonmouth illustrates a community living alongside the heavy industry that brought it there for work.
And The Farm I love, reminding me of my great aunt’s house in idyllic rural Norfolk, I can really feel the life of the home and the daily toils.
Robert Darch
Based in Devon, Rob’s immersion in SW England comes through in his work so well for me. I feel enchanted by the bucolic mythology, earthy living and close knit communities shown. I find his landscapes expansive and a little mysterious. There’s a sense of history and tradition too, alongside the draws of modernity.
My favourites so far:
I don’t know Dartmoor at all (not beyond an edgy - for a 8 year old’s mind! - BBC drama Badger Girl about pony rustling we were shown at school!), but Rob’s The Moor conveys its openness and the places and characters that inhabit it so well.
Vale’s seductive romance draws me into the lives and times of young people living in SW England, its timeless and inevitable rhythms of change.
Wheras Durlscombe is about an entirely fictitious town, one Robert identifies with and fabricates from his sense of SW England living.
Venetia Dearden
Now based in Wales, Venetia’s work made in and around SW England I love. It gives me a sense of being there, amongst the communities that work with the rich fertile land and the character and culture that springs forth from this. It feels warm, intimate and tender.
My favourites so far:
Her book Somerset Stories conveys these vibes so well.
I believe her Personal Work is mostly SW England, maybe some Wales too.
Ian Gaboldoni
Based in the South West, Ian’s landscape and new topographics approaches to the Somerset levels is, for me, both reminiscent of my teens and twenties in the East Anglian Fens - endless days fishing alone and with friends through all seasons - and true to the uniqueness of Somerset. He relates the big skies and open spaces so well.
My favourites so far:
If pushed, I’d say Wetlands and Tor, but that’s only because they’re most relatable to me.
Amanda Harman
Based in SW England, the beauty of Amanda’s work for me lays in showing how water has influenced the landscapes we’ve come to associate with Somerset and the South West. I can feel its soaked, fertile and vital life-giving character. I feel I’m there, immersed in the qualities in light and land, made unique by the natural and human-influenced processes, noticing forms and moments ebb and flow with the seasons.
My favourites so far:
The Fluid Landscape feels so relatable to me, having grown up in East Anglia near The Fens.
Sun Lights this Water is so delicate, yet truthful and poetic.
Helen Harris
Based in Dorset, Helen’s work conveys the influence of people and place on each other in an art documentary style = a mix of landscapes, new topographics, small scenes and still life. Her work really places me there.
My favourites so far:
For me Inland is about the natural cycles of life, growth and decay. I love the quality of light, it feels so tangibly cool and damp .
One Mile Radius shows - I believe - discarded objects found within one mile of her home.
Other work being made from South West England based photographers can be found at; (I think this may currently be paused - but it looks a great resource and I’ve love to see it continued).
Some really beautiful work here - thanks for sharing, Andrew.